Watch as I explore a new country, culture, language... and everything in between.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

i get by with a little help from my friends.

Nothing as soothing as listening to The Beatles. And some great friends and family - I love you guys.

Hm, I was going to end the blog there, but why not write more? Today is a normal day, you know - school, meeting with my girl intercambio, service project to talk with spanish people in english. pretty standard.

yesterday 20 new bumps sprouted, mostly all over my neck. freaky. maybe it´s a food allergy. who the heck knows? and who the heck wants to go see a spanish dermatologist? not me. but, i figured that means it isn´t the pool that´s giving me bumps, so darnit, i´m going to go swimming.

so i did today. and the fake lifeguard didn´t even disturb me once.

i have been eating chocolate like it´s nobody´s business. why does it taste so good? i just can´t figure it out. how can something so silly make my brain happy?

i don´t feel like being deep or thinking about much today in my blog. thinking is too much effort for me right now. i have had enough. i´d rather be numb right now. i have hit a stagnant point in my trip where, once again, i would prefer to return home. it sounds horribly unappreciative, but there are times when i feel this way.

i just realize that i´m not going to get good enough at spanish where i´m going to be comfortable in a regular public setting. and it´s gonna be this wild thing when i go home to the u.s. and don´t have to think so hard just to order a sandwich or ask for a larger size in a shirt at the store. it´s gonna be wild. just wild. there is no place i can go in spain and just feel comfortable. there is always that challenge... not so much a challenge, but a discomfort in being a foreigner. maybe when i return i´ll have this appreciation for how easy it is to get by on your native language in the world.

today is a blob. an amorphous blob of blobbyness. i feel very indifferent towards it. and everything. everyone´s always telling me not to worry about things. in fact, i would have to say that one of the most popular phrases here is ¨tranquila¨ (calm) or ¨no te preocupes¨ (don´t worry). but i don´t know. i´m not so much worried or needing to be calmed, i´m just always thinking about things. maybe that´s a good thing, but right now, i don´t want to be thinking about anything. i want to sit in complete and utter calm, in a tub of warm chocolate.

there. that´s my blobby blog of today. blob.

off to meet the intercambio and talk nonsense for an hour. ugh. wish me luck.

1 comment:

Ronna said...

you know, i've been saying this for years...chocolate is good!!!