Watch as I explore a new country, culture, language... and everything in between.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


i can barely contain my excitement. i can´t i can´t i can´t!!!

my eye is back to normal. 100 percent inflamation-free... and you could not give me a better piece of news right now!! now if only the inflamation stays away... we will see.

but yay! it´s the best day ever!

i splurged on a uva-protective pair of sunglasses because i´m still going to have to taper off my medicine, which makes my pupils huge and makes it impossible to see in the sunlight. and i´m going to GRANADA this weekend... and i want to be able to actually see the Alambra (you know, another gorgeous palace). it looks like this:
So yea, I´m a bit excited about the trip. We booked bus round-trip for 80 euro (oh, but the discomfort will make us regret choosing the 10-hour bus ride almost immediately) and found a castle to stay in overnight.

Ok, so I´m not sure we´re sleeping in a castle per say (is that how you write out ¨per say?¨), but I do know that this is the deal. We are a few streets away from the center of the city, in part of the University of Granada. We are only allowed to stay there because we are students studying in Spain (special priveledges, I guess) and because my Spanish dad is a genious and somehow knows everything about travel and Spain. I guess it would make sense because his job requires travel almost every week and he did live in Granada for 6 years (I think... maybe 8). But anyway, we couldn´t find a hotel... all were booked. So we found this opportunity, and it comes with all three meals included... for a bit over 40 per person per night. Wowzer. That´s a snag. He says that all we have to do is walk along the river to get to the center of the city. Um, Granada is in the mountains, it has a river, and is the center of all the most rich of Arab culture from the 15th (i believe) century. COOL.

Kristen and I decided to do our oral presentation about Granada... so were are gonna take some great pictures, pay attention to our tours, and have a really sweet presentation! Much easier to do a presentation on something you actually see, anyway.

Today I went for a run and I was in this really weird state of mind. I am at this point where running is not so much physically taxing (well, it´s not like i´m trying to run fast or anything... ) but it´s a mental struggle for me. I have been treadmilling because the sun hurts my eyes too much and it´s just such a boring activity. It´s not a question of whether I can run for a long time because I practically don´t even feel any strain after 30 minutes or so. It is a question of if I have the mental strength to keep myself going. And the thing that is keeping me going is my constant eating habits here that are out of control. Ok, not out of control... just subject to random binges of muffins and such (I ate 6 and a half yesterday... granted they are about half the size of american muffins), which I think stems from the fact that I don´t eat any foods with processed sugar anymore. The only sugar my body gets is from fruit, and my body is not used to that at all. So I get these cravings, these intense cravings, for real dessert. And I don´t mean all that flakey pastry junk that couldn´t satisfy me in a gazillion years... and I don´t mean stinkin yogurt that they offer you for ¨dessert¨ at the dining hall. So I eat all day and exercise all day and that´s just how it has to be for now. Whatever, my food here is healthier anyway - fruits, veggies, the occasional fish, meat... but seriously. I think i´m obsessed with food... so odd and so unhealthy... but also could be cuz I have so much more free time here than i´m used to.

I have a three page paper to write on a comparison between two short spanish stories... and some reading to do... and about 6 more journal entries to write...and to pack... by 11:30 tonight. Because we leave at 1:30 a.m. for granada and we want some wine in us to help us sleep soundly on that uncomfortable bus (is it weird that i finally see a benefit to the tiring effects of wine?).

well, who knows when i´ll be able to write in this blog next... so have a great weekend everyone! i miss you all!!

1 comment:

Ronna Harris said...

okay you asked.... per se