Watch as I explore a new country, culture, language... and everything in between.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

oh, so much to think about!

I don´t have much time to write, but I just HAVE to today. There is so much excitement in my brain. For some reason, today was wonderful, and it doesn´t even have to do with the fact that I bought a box of pretty delicious cookies or that my spanish dad brought home about 10 pounds of swiss chocolate (ok, maybe the happiness does have to do with that a little bit... I can´t deny that I´m a raging chocoholic)! I am just super happy with my day. And let me share why.

Today started with classes. Average, nothing too exciting... I ate a huge lunch that I shouldn´t have eaten... but here´s where my day starts to get good...

Well, I went swimming! And the pool at the gym here was beautiful and there was only one other man in the pool. I felt so at peace because no matter where I am, a pool is a pool, and I could swim in peace. And the lifeguard lady even gave me a swim cap to use! (I guess it´s mandatory, but that´s fine with me!) So, after my swim, some lady was really friendly to me in the locker room, saying hi and cya later... and although that seems so trivial, it´s so nice when people are friendly here because I sometimes feel hostility when I make social mistakes and cannot speak well. So I just said hi and cya to her and I felt happy because I could disguise myself as a spanish girl!

Then, I rushed home, took a wonderful shower (I guess showers feel better after you swim and come in from the very very cold weather). Then, I met with my intercambio again. This time, things went a lot better - it was less awkward, and I realized that I really do like him. He is nice, he helps me a lot with my spanish, and there is nothing better than getting more practice. I think it helped that this time we went ot a more chill cafe where I drank tea (and liked it... kinda... which is a change for me) and it was so pretty! He told me it was modeled after this fancy ship that used to take people from Paris to Russia. They gave me cookies with my tea. And to top it off, they played music buenísima! And I told him I could only stay two hours... so it was nice to not have to struggle through 4. I feel like we split the spanish and english time equally. We are planning on meeting again on Tuesday. It´s great cuz he has a car and can take us places much easier than the bus can.

After that, I bought my bus ticket for... drumroll please.... BARCELONA. And it leaves tonight at 1 in the morning! So this way, we don´t have to pay for a hostel for tonight... we can sleep on the bus. It´s only a five hour ride, so we will not get much, but whatever. I don´t care... we are going to barcelona! Which, from the pictures and descriptions i have seen and heard about, is incredible. We are leaving Sunday morning so we have 2 full days there.

After we bought tickets, I bought some gum and cookies at the grocery store, always nice. I also discovered that to buy the face soap I usually use, it would cost the equivelent of 15 dollars. Forget it! I will have a pimply face... I cannot pay that much for a bottle of soap!

Tonight I had a great dinner with my spanish mom... we talked a lot. And then my spanish dad came home with his 10 pounds of chocolate... it was something out of a dream i swear... he placed about 9 or 10 bars (one of them is like 400 grams worth of chocolate, it´s the biggest thing i have ever seen) on the table. Ahh! Then we talked for an hour about the places I should see in spain, and Pepe, my spanish dad said that my spanish speaking and comprehension has reallly improved in the past week. i haven´t noticed, but maybe it´s true! and if so, yay! good to hear.

and that is my fabulous day. woo. i am packed and ready to go... now i just have to convince myself to do some homework before i go. ok. i have about an hour and a half for homework, i should do that.

ahhhhhhhh yay! i´m in such a good mood.

1 comment:

cara said...

don! you're going to have so much fun in barcelona. just watch out for all the pigeons. and i'm glad you finally got some chocolate in your life. i need some don in mine.

love you!