Watch as I explore a new country, culture, language... and everything in between.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

san sebastian y bares con mi hermana

well well well. i´m not in such a writing mood, but here goes nothing. my group and i went to san sebastian yesterday, and it was quite an experience. it is about an hour or two away from pamplona, and we just took a bus both ways. when we got there in the morning, it was sunny and the weather was nice... perfect for a walk on the beach! san sebastian is on the northern coast of spain, and just breathtakingly beautiful. i guess it´s the most expensive place in spain... and it makes sense.

one of the many parades

we went on a special celebration day, so there were parades with all the little kids in the town all day. we knew the drumbeat by heart by the time we left. a lot of the kids were dressed in little military outfits, but there were also adults dressed as cooks and housewives. everything was packed, and because this was so unusual for san sebastian in the winter, i think it was a perfect time to go.

a little town on the mountain we wanted to ride up... but we couldn´t.

the first thing we did was walk all across the beach to get some good photos. later in the day, we climbed the mountain... my favorite part of the day. there was a castle at the top with a huge statue of jesus and some cannons and just some amazing views in general.

what would it be like to live here?

we ate at this turkish place because all the regular bar/restaurants were packed so we had to go a bit off the beaten path. it ended up being delicious, despite the fact that the pizzas we ordered ended up being wraps.

some cannons on top of the mountain we climbed

the day was one filled with nature, a nice change from a lot of the tours we have gotten of cathedrals, museums, and such.

when i got home, my spanish sister amaia (finally! i learned the spelling) asked me if i wanted to eat dinner and go out with her and her cousin and good friend. so... i did. and it was so fun. she cooked dinner (chicken with this cheese sauce and home-made french fries...ahh! how is she 21 and sooo good at cooking?) and it was a bit confusing cuz the speech was fast. i just tried to listen to what they were saying to get a general idea.

then it was cute because amaia was trying to teach me how to put on make-up. well, she´s a painter, so i guess it makes sense she likes to paint stuff on her face too every once in a while. haha. it was pretty cute... because, i just can´t really describe her. but she´s like this cute, giggly girl and it doesn´t even matter to her that i don´t understand half the things she says. she just laughs it off and tries again. i don´t think i could have gotten a cooler ¨sister.¨

we went out to a couple of bars that she likes and the whole night was great because i was actually immersed in the life of a young spanish person. maybe that sounds cliché or corny or something, but it was really cool to actually go to the spanish hang-outs. and because i think amaia and i are similar, we like the same kind of atmosphere...

bar-hopping is a big thing in spain, maybe more-so than in the u.s. i think. we ended up in 3 last night. the second one we went to had darts... and thats why we went, but some guys had signed up for 14 games, so we couldn´t play. but we danced and it was great because dancing is one of those universal things. she could translate the spanish songs for me and i could translate the english ones for her. and the whole time, whenever they talked about anything, they were nice enough to slow down for a minute and make sure i was following (which, when they slowed it down, i could most of the time). i was just really appreciative because that´s exactly what i need... people to be considerate and take the extra time with me - that´s how i´m going to learn. overall, it was a great night... i really like amaia, her friend (i can´t even attempt to spell her name... atriz?) and ikur.

ikur (amaia´s boyfriend), random boy, amaia (my spanish sister-isn´t she cute?!), amaia´s friend (atriz? can´t spell) at bar portales. they played U2 for me!

today was a pretty relaxing day... i went for a run in the ciudadela again, did a bunch of homework, and went to a very beautiful cafe with liz, meghan, terry, and brian. we sat outside because it was the last nice day for a while. then... we went to buy candy at the candy store! we all know i cannot live in a world without chocolate.

on to more homework...

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