Watch as I explore a new country, culture, language... and everything in between.

Monday, January 8, 2007

depressing and lost luggage.

we arrived here safely early this morning. Madrid. Unfortunately
our baggage was lost, putting a damper on everything. It's cool here, but I'm extremely depressed
moody from lack of sleep, difficulty communicating with everyone, weird food and food schedules, and
expenses this lost baggage is causing both Kristen and I. We spent about 10 dollars on two pairs of

underwear and toothbrush (each). I want this to go away. I think they will send our bags to
pamplona - we
gave them our addresses.

on a good note, we ate in this really cool cafe for lunch and ordered some spanish food. we saw some

amazing architechture too. the bank of madrid - i think it's the oldest building in spain. our hotel is right by the puerta del sol, the center of the city, the "sun" of the city.

but i feel like we would have had the energy and time to do a lot more if we didn't have to deal
with all
these baggage problems. i miss you guys a lot.

This is the point in my trip where I almost want to turn back and go home. But I know things can only get better from here. I am going to need to go out and buy some things to hold me over until we get our luggage in a week or so (ugh so depressing, I had EVERYTHING i needed).


cara said...

head up, young person. that luggage will turn up and until then keep checking out cool cafes. love you so!

katelyn said...

ickkk i'm so sorry don, but things will turn around, you've got to put up with the rain before you can see the RAINBOW! ...i would color you one right now if blogger would let meee. :)

Nicole said...

we love you so much and we know that you will have an amazing time. We know that things will get better for you. Puerta del sol is awesome... im jelous! Keep Smiling!
Nicole, Mom & Dad

Cathy said...

Lost luggage----aaaaauuuuuggghhhh! You will have some interesting stories to share with us when you return. We can't wait to hear them. Exhaustion from jet lag can make dealing with challenges difficult, so focus on the great cafes and architecture and give yourself three days to get used to the time change :) You are a strong young woman, Dani, and you can do this, and do it very well. Take care.
Cathy & Jim

Lauren said...

you're right..things can only get better don. i hope they get your luggage to you soon, but while you're waiting, sit back, enjoy the scenery, and have some wine :)